Write for us

Would you like to write for us?  Contribute an article related to digital photography tips. Send us your proposal. Be very specific on the title of your article, the content, and the photographs you'll include. Your article must be original content, written by you, not automatically generated with software.

keyboard close-up

The better digital photo tips site is about photography. Your article must be written by a real human being who is knowledgeable about photography and is a credible source of information about photography. 

The article MUST be about photography and MUST be helpful to the readers of the site. If it's valuable and it provides useful information or helps the readers improve their photography, then it will be considered. If you're looking for just an easy way to get a quick link for SEO purposes, you should look elsewhere.

If accepted and published, we'll gladly link back to your website-if your website is relevant for the readers of Better-Digital-Photo-Tips. Send us your proposal by filling in the required fields below.

We won't respond to spam or phishing. 


  • Article length should be 1500-2000 words with at least 5 photographs that pertain to the written content.
  • All photos MUST BE originals, These MUST be your images and you must own the copyright.

Fill out the form below completely, exactly as instructed.

WRITE FOR US -12-8-18 Updated

Any fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


Article published by Bruce Lovelace