tripod articles

Tripod Search

You're searching for helpful advice on tripods, but the list of tripod articles that are not trying to sell you one is small. Help is on the way!

The search for finding just the best tripod is like the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. But there's a catch! You have a whole lot more than 3 choices. Like Goldilocks you want to find the one that's just right, but it's a whole lot more complicated that just picking one that tastes right. That's good and bad.

You have more choices for just the right tripod.

More choices means you can find the one tripod that's just right for you. The bad news is you may have to do a little more research. If there were only 3 different tripods to choose fun, you'd be living in the fairytale world with Goldilocks. Here's the good news. A lot of the research and legwork has been done for you.

List of tripod articles

Here is the list of articles on this website about tripods that you're looking for. You are living in a great time in terms of the variety of choices of tripods we can use.

It's my job to help you make your choice easier. Here are the tripods articles. Dive in!

Most of these are short articles and you can read just a few and be able to make a better choice about your tripod.

<b>Budget Ball Head</b>Budget Ball Head
72 Inch Tripod72 Inch Tripod
Pan and Tilt TripodPan and Tilt Tripod

You can get really nice, well-built tripods at very good prices. Although today's digital cameras with their high ISO settings let you shoot handheld more often, there are a lot of situations where a tripod will either be necessary or simply make your photos come out better.

The main purpose in using your tripod is to get sharper photos, but there is a secondary benefit that you may not have thought of. It's not talked about much and it can be the biggest benefit of all when it comes to using a tripod.

Tripods slow you down and this can be a big advantage

Have you ever taken a photo and looked back later and wished you had shot it just a little differently?  I know I have. If you're a little bit like the rest of us, you may be in a hurry. Our society is so fast paced we're naturally in a hurry to get things done. That can easily include taking photos.

Carrying a tripod along with you can give a big advantage. It's more of an effort to set it up. It slows you down and requires a little more thought process on what you want your photo to say. Rather just look, aim, and fire, pausing for a few seconds to really examine your subject results in a better photograph.

Even when it's a bright sunny day and you don't need to use a tripod to get sharpness, it's a good idea to use one and make yourself more of an intentional photographer.

typical shooting situations where tripods are needed

  1. Nighttime and sunset photography where the exposures are long. Sunsets can be shot without a tripod while they are happening, but you can get great photos just after sunset too, when the light has faded to very low levels.
  2. Time lapse photography. Lots of fun to use a remote cord with a intervalometer. Your camera must remain in the exact same location for all of the photos to align properly.
  3. Macro photography and close-ups. Blur is magnified and exact focus is critical. Using a small aperture means you often have to use a slow shutter speed to get the proper exposure.
  4. Portrait Photography. You can watch all of your subjects, their positions, and expressions better without having to hold and look through the camera.
  5. Big lens. Long telephoto lenses are heavy and cause lack of sharpness due to the magnified motion. Your arm can get fatigued and it is difficult to hold steady, even with image stabilization technology.

reviews on tripods That Will Help You Choose

No doubt, a detailed list of tripod articles help immensely. You can also learn a lot about tripods by reading the short mini "articles" that buyers write on camera equipment they've purchased. Tripod reviews posted by professional reviews are often technically oriented.

These reviews are particularly good when you are comparing one tripod to another. But what about the practical experiences of everyday photographers like you? You can get a nice variety of positive and negative opinions on tripods by using Amazon as a search tool.  I became an Amazon geek a few years ago because of the number and depth of reviews on products.

I confess I buy a lot of my household goods there too and also became an affiliate of Amazon. That means if you visit Amazon and find something you like, Amazon gives me a little financial "thank you" for the referral. No matter where you decide to buy,  Amazon is a great source for getting more information about camera tripods.

I hope this list of tripod articles becomes very useful for you. See additional how to tripod articles listed below my signature.

Article published by Bruce Lovelace


Bruce is the publisher of this website. He is the author of the book "Improve Your Photography Instantly."  Read more on Bruce on his Bio Page. He's been known as The Traveling Photographer ever since 1994. Read more about this website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram.   Visit the Facebook Page. Watch him on YouTube.  Bruce runs photo workshops for kids and adults, and provides one-on-one photography coaching.

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