Lenses For Shooting The Moon + Bugs With Rebel t2i
by Nigel
Canon 400mm f/5.6
My camera is a Canon EOS 550D Rebel t2i with Canon zoom lens EF-S 18-55mm. The lens does not suit my requirements.
+I just want to know: which lens will allow me to take crisp pictures of the moon AND a close up of a caterpillar. Simple requirements. Oh yes, it has to be cheap!!
Hi Nigel!
Thanks for asking about a lens for your Canon t2i (550D) that will shoot sharp pictures of the moon AND also close-ups of a caterpillar AND is super cheap.

Canon t2i And Moon photography
Although your t2i is very old and the technology on it is outdated, the 18 MP sensor is plenty good enough to capture sharp moon photos and close-ups of caterpillars and other insects. It's all about the lens(es) you use and your technique. Clearly the 18-55mm "kit" lens that came with your t2i won't serve you well at all.
You've chosen two opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the subject matter you want to shoot with one lens and I don't think you'll have much luck with finding an affordable option. Don't despair, as I have one suggestion for you which might work perfectly.
Canon 400mm Moon Lens
The Canon 400mm f/5.6 is extremely sharp (even wide open) and will give you the equivalent angle of view of a 640mm lens. You get the superior optics of a prime lens at a very affordable price, especially if you don't mind buying a used one-there are a ton of used ones available. Here's my post on the
Canon 400mm Prime f/5.6 lens on my sister site, CanonCameraGeek.com.
Canon 400mm Lens For Shooting Bugs Macro
Get yourself a set of Canon compatible
extension tubes and you'll be able to get much closer minimum focusing distances with the Canon 400mm f/5.6 and your Rebel t2i camera.
That's my quick answer, Nigel, I hope this helps. Feel free to comment back if you want to dive in a little deeper.
RELATED: Best Lens For Moon Photography